Why midlife is a great time to redesign your life - Masterclass | Silver Sirens
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Thu, 18 July



Why midlife is a great time to redesign your life - Masterclass

With the 'hormonal veil' lifting during menopause, many women will notice changes happening on many levels in their lives. Let's look at what can happen emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually during this time if women get the right help.

Why midlife is a great time to redesign your life - Masterclass
Why midlife is a great time to redesign your life - Masterclass

Time & Location

18 July 2024, 10:00 am – 11:00 am



About the event



 I’m a best-selling author, menopause expert, coach, NLP, Matrix master practitioner and hypnotherapist. I went through midlife, just like you, what you’re probably experiencing now. For me, it was crappy! My menopause symptoms were off the charts! 

I suffered from insomnia. I often woke up in night sweats and thought that I’d peed the bed! I cried a lot for no reason (now I know there was a reason… many reasons! More about that later). I often took my frustrations out on my poor, long-suffering husband (he’s still around amazingly!) I tried HRT, but it didn’t work for me, and the doctors I consulted weren’t menopause experts, so they were out of their depth. They couldn’t help me. I didn’t understand this at the time. Drastically, I retired from my 30-year career as a science teacher because I couldn’t handle the stress.


  • General Admittance

    +$1.10 service fee
  • Concession

    +$0.58 service fee



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