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Silver Sirens 2019



Meet culture’s most exciting, revolutionary new demographic, 50+ women - and the event devoted to them.


As Gen X enters Middle Age for the first time, 50+ women are becoming freer, more financially independent, visible and expressed than at any time in history. A dynamic, revolutionary cultural shift is taking place as this generation redefines what it means to turn fifty.

Meet the 2019 Speakers

Robyn Chuter

Plant-Powered and Thriving Through Menopause and Beyond

Midlife brings many changes to how women's bodies look, feel and function. However, a rapidly-growing body of research points to the benefits of adopting a plant-strong diet for slowing down the aging process, easing the menopausal transition, improving body composition and maintaining – or even increasing - our muscle strength through our sixth decade of life, and beyond. This presentation will equip you with strategies to optimise your eating pattern so you can look and feel your very best.

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Sally Prowse

Money, Marriage and Divorce

Take control of your finances whether you'r single married or divorced. We will show you practical tools that help you save money and know where it goes. We will look at ways to keep your money both in marriage and divorce and lastly we will give you some practical tips to help you grow your money using leverage.

Gina Mitchell

The Lifting of the Hormonal Veil

You may have found that as you get older, you want different things to what you wanted in the past. Once the hormonal veil lifts, life will be different whether you plan for it or not.  Find out the secrets to making your life amazing now.

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Nadine Bush

Perfectly Imperfect Mama

My personal journey as a mother of two boys, who are now grown men with lives of their own.  The processes I've gone through at different stages on the journey, from the early days of first becoming a mother, co-parenting through a divorce and transitioning through the grief that hits you when your children move out of home for good.

Jane Brown

Accidentally Childless

Not for one second did I ever imagine I would be a childless woman. One day I woke up and the opportunity to be a mother had shockingly passed me by. This pain and grief co-existed right alongside the reality that I was living a full technicolour life that I would never have had the opportunity to live, had I been a mother.

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Aunty Hazel

Aunty Hazel Collins is the founder of Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR).


From her hometown of Gunnedah in northern NSW, she founded GMAR in 2014 to fight back against the high rates of Aboriginal children removed by child protection services in Australia. Since then, GMAR has been protesting and lobbying government for changes to stop what Aunty Hazel calls the ongoing Stolen Generations. 

The daughter of staunch Biripi activist Alice Briggs, Aunty Hazel grew up supporting her mother’s work in the 1970s Black Power movement for Aboriginal rights.

Helen Eason

With lived experience of all the institutions and agencies that continue to falter in their services to Aboriginal people, Helen Eason’s vision, strength and commitment to her mob’s healing is as real as she is.


A proud Gomeroi and Biripi woman, Helen has been using her experience to advocate for other mothers involved in the child protection system through her work with Grandmothers Against Removals since 2014. Helen is the CEO and founder of Nelly’s Healing Centre, a service for Aboriginal women who fall through the gaps in the current services and face involvement with government systems and services including criminal justice and child protection.


Helen continues to conquer adversity and multiple obstacles to ensure that healing can and will be achieved for her mob.

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Lisa Fitzpatrick

Unearthing and Healing the Shadow Side of Ageing – the Art of Becoming a Fiercely Kind Mentor and Advocate for Younger Women

Modern media overstimulates an unconscious thirst for youth that comes at a cost too many women as they age. There is the material cost of anti-ageing products and beauty treatments. And there is a more sinister cost of internalised shame, discontent and disconnection. Yet, you are not your age, you are your energy.


Let’s explore how to unearth and heal the shadow side of ageing so that we can become worthy mentors of substance and advocacy for the next generation. 

Rosemary Shapiro-Liu

Small Tweaks create Big Impact.

We look at the great change-makers of our time and wonder how we, too, can make a difference. We can, each one of us, by making small tweaks for big impact. The tendency to be multi-passionate is both a strength and a detractor as we seek to leave a legacy, so we must focus on serendipity, opportunity and choice.


Activism and advocacy is not optional, it's a necessity. We can create Triple Wins in every decision and action - wins for you, those around you and the world. I'll give you three simple tools to start your change-maker journey, or amplify the change you're already part of, by making the smallest of tweaks. 

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Anjani Amriit

Finding Purpose and Legacy in a Child-Free Life. 



The fourth 'Wise Elder' stage of a woman's life is a time to honour the natural shift of priorities from an outward focus on career and family, to an inward focus on satisfying her soul purpose and inner transformation.


Approaching this stage of life, many career women without children can experience a deep yearning to give birth, with their only societal reference being to 'children'. Anjani will be dispelling many modern myths that lead women to dishonour their soul's yearning to give birth to their legacy, and will share feminine rites of passage that prepare for the birth of your soul's purpose during this life stage. 

Malika Elizabeth Reese

Loving the Wobbly Bits

Malika will showcase some of her best pieces including “When I grow up, I want to be an old woman” Malika has had, up until now, a good life with some very interesting moments. The interesting moments have shaped and defined her and put things into clear perspective.


Life really is too short to sweat the small stuff or worry about the wobbly bits.

Singer, Performer, Writer

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