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The Silver Sirens event and cultural phenomenon is back for its fourth year.
We’re ever-evolving and bigger than ever. 

Join 200 women in person and hundreds more from around the world for an annual gathering that is a brave space in which to explore the riches, superpowers and challenges that come with ageing and celebrate the rise and rise of 50+ women.

Saturday 4th December 2021

Re-Defining Ageing 2021 


Join 200 women for the event in-person at Sydney’s iconic Museum of Contemporary Arts. Be part of a community, meet new women and expand your network of women who are finding their purpose and rewriting the narrative on women and ageing.

"If there is one event you want to go to for self-development, then Silver Sirens is it! It encompassed absolutely everything I was looking for in mind, body and spirit as a mature 51-year-old, and I didn’t know this is what I was seeking until I attended this event!"

- 2019 Attendee

For one powerful, inspirational day women gather together, sister Silver Sirens from all walks of life, to benefit from the guidance, wisdom - even vulnerability - of expert speakers. Throughout the day, the leaders explore the pillars of enhanced living and the reimagining of our own negative internal dialogue around ageing, to make the very most of this new phase of life.

WHO CAN ATTEND?   Women of all ages are invited to attend the Redefining Ageing event. 


For one powerful day, our Silver Sirens leaders will explore the pillars of enhanced living.

​Ageing Across  Culture

​What if the limited, constrictive confines of our own western cultural perspective are an illusion? 

Ageing in the Workplace

Are you being overlooked for certain jobs? Are your opinions no longer sought? We’ll hear how other women have managed and triumphed over these scenarios.

Ageing in the Public Eye

What is it like to live out this most personal - and sometimes excruciating - emotional and physical reckoning under the klieg lights of public media attention and judgement? What if you are only getting better with age, but your professional core identity and demographic appeal is associated with youth? ​

Our Elders Are Treasures​

An old African proverb maintains that, “When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” Usually, it’s not until we’re older that we appreciate the wisdom of those who have come before. In this conversation 2 generation Y will explore the wisdom and knowledge of 2 Elders in this enriching conversation across the generations.


Welcome to Country

Ageing in the Workplace

Are you being overlooked for certain jobs? Are your opinions no longer sought? We’ll hear how other women have managed and triumphed over these scenarios.

​Ageing Across Culture


What if the limited, constrictive confines of our own western cultural perspective are an illusion? 

"This was my first attendance at a Silver Sirens event; I didn’t know what to expect - but what I got were stories from the heart from so many of the speakers which left me feeling that midlife did not have to mean an ending and that I could do anything!"


- 2019 Attendee

Ageing in the Public Eye

What is it like to live out this most personal - and sometimes excruciating - emotional and physical reckoning under the klieg lights of public media attention and judgement? What if you are only getting better with age, but your professional core identity and demographic appeal is associated with youth? ​

Our Elders Are Treasures​

An old African proverb maintains that, “When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” Usually, it’s not until we’re older that we appreciate the wisdom of those who have come before. In this conversation 2 generation Y will explore the wisdom and knowledge of 2 Elders in this enriching conversation across the generations.



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© 2021 by SJC.Media Consulting for Silver Sirens

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